Our Why

The world benefits when companies leveraging AI/ML get all the relevant data they need to develop their products and services.  We make licensing data much more efficient. We make your Ai smarter!

Our Credentials

  • Founded February 2021

  • Headquartered in Washington DC, with offices in London, UK

  • Team includes C-level executives with backgrounds in data licensing, STEM Publishing, Information Aggregation and SaaS platforms

  • Advisory Board consisting of leaders from both the buyer and supplier side within the STEM Industry

  • Completed v.1 of the marketplace and onboarding initial data owners and analytics partners


Our Consulting Services

If you lack the knowledge or resources to license your data effectively, let us help. 
We have bespoke services focused on:

  • File conversion to latest AI/ML formats (JSON, FHIR, FSIR, JATS)

  • Licensing advisory services, including strategy, intellectual property, and pricing

  • Bespoke data sourcing, including negotiations and contract execution