Find the Trusted Data You Need

The more you use our marketplace, the better your search results.

For Data Users

Our marketplace has powerful search tools, to help you find the precise set of data for machine learning.  The more you use our marketplace, the better your search results. Our system has built-in prediction technology to suggest additional (or alternate) datasets to meet your needs.


DLA enables you to:

  • Quickly and easily find multiple data sources from one location

  • Find additional data assets you may not know existed, or let us help you find more

  • License relevant and trusted data sources for your research or project

  • Save on pipeline engineering costs with a variety of machine-readable formats and standards

  • Understand and comply with data governance needs

Simple Acquisition Process

It's simple, fast and painless. Once you find the right data, we make it super easy to complete your data license.  In a nutshell, the process goes something like this:

Contracts & Intellectual Property

We have it all set for you.  On the contracts side, our license sets out exactly what you can and cannot do with the data you license.  There is NO MORE back and forth hassle with data owners who do not understand how to license content or subscribe to “old” ways of viewing data licensing.


We know how important intellectual property is in this ecosystem:

  • For the data owners, the raw data is their business. This is how they put food on the table. They own all the raw data. Period.

  • For you, it is your algorithms, talent and efforts to manipulate raw data to produce derivative datasets and/or knowledge graphs. You own this output. Period.