Verse 40: Post-Thanksgiving 2022

Hello there! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and now that we are back at our desks, it’s good to know it’s only ~3 weeks until the next set of holidays begin!  We are off to put our tree up, reminding me; How do Christmas trees prepare for a night out? They spruce up!

Among items of note in this issue; could we run out of data to train AI language programs, EU AI act edges closer to passage (though we doubt it ever will!), and “Don’t believe the hype” AI strategists are drowning in data!

Don’t forget to keep sharing Verse. As always we’d love to hear from you, so please drop us a line and let us know how we can make Verse even better. Thanks again for reading.

~ Dave.

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We could run out of data to train AI language programs. Researchers may have to get creative to make training data stretch further.

EU AI act edges closer to passage. But business trade group says legislation is overly broad.

3 ways to raise the success rate of AI projects

Artificial intelligence strategists are drowning in data. “Don’t believe the hype.” That’s the call to action among analysts paying close attention to how companies are – or aren’t – factoring AI and ML into their data management plans and playbooks.


Stanford debuts first AI benchmark to help understand LLMs.

From GPT-3 to DALL-E, from BLOOM to Imagen — another day, it seems, another large language model (LLM) or text-to-image model. But until now, there have been no AI benchmarks to provide a standardized way to evaluate these models, which have developed at a rapidly-accelerated pace over the past couple of years.


Nvidia enters the text-to-image battle with eDiff-I, takes on DALL-E, Imagen. The domain of artificial intelligence (AI) text-to-image generators is the new battleground for tech conglomerates.

Strategic Radiology partners with Ferrum Health to standardize validation and management of clinical AI across its members. It will use Ferrum to monitor for algorithm performance, bias, and drift across its practices, as well as to share learnings on clinical impact and business ROI.

Charli AI's new Ancaeus platform brings generative AI to the enterprise. Designed for cross-functional use, it can discover, understand, and use facts extracted from content to generate insights, spreadsheets, presentations, and well written natural language reports.


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A Failure to Communicate: Indicators of Open Access in the User Interface.

Web-scale Library Search: Where Are We Today?

... and finally, this True or False Trivia Quiz🤷from – 🤔How well can you do? 🧐


Verse 41: Goblin Mode


Verse 39: The Smell of Success