Verse 45: My Bad Handwriting

Hello again! Did you hear the one about the teacher who complained my handwriting was too sloppy? Well, if only she could see that I’m a doctor now! This pun could soon be irrelevant, as Google is developing an AI model that can decipher difficult-to-read handwriting with a focus on notes and prescriptions written by doctors. For me though, this one will remain valid, my handwriting is so bad that Google uses it for captcha!!

Among items of note in this issue; AI that powers chatbots and search queries could discover new drugs, DeepMind develops an AI tool to write scripts and screenplays, and researchers develop a new ML approach that creates ‘combination’ to kill cancer cells.

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~ Dave.

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Meta’s Fundamental AI Research teamshowed its structure prediction model, can also be repurposed for programmable protein structure generation beyond natural proteins.

New ML approach creates combination to kill cancer cells. Researchers found a way to use ‘command sentences’ to guide cell behavior

How AI that powers chatbots and search queries could discover new drugs. Natural language processing algorithms like the ones used in Google searches and OpenAI’s ChatGPT promise to slash the time required to bring medications to market

DeepMind develops AI tool to write scripts and screenplays, bias, stereotypes and plagiarism are possible red flags.


The brief history of Artificial Intelligence: The world has changed fast—What might be next?

Despite their brief history, computers and AI have fundamentally changed what we see, know, and do. Little is as important for the future of the world, and our own lives, as how this history continues. To see what the future might look like it is often helpful to study our history. This article also looks to see what we can expect for the future including the development of human-level AI.


Microsoft to add ChatGPT to Bing to beat Google search, tech giant also reportedly seeks to invest $10 billion into OpenAI.

Aeolus Debuts Autonomous Dual-arm Humanoid Robot at CES. The robot provides new applications for a variety of service tasks including delivery, security, eldercare, kiosk operation, and ultra-violet germicidal disinfection.

Siemens and 80 Acres Collaborate to scale vertical farming — fostering sustainable, healthy, traceable, and more productive farming practices.


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For💩and giggles - A place for fun interesting stuff from around the web. Found anything interesting? Send me a message or tweet ‘em to me.

🐸 The transparent glass frog can hide most of its blood, turning it nearly invisible.

📈 Play with the stock market but not spend any money.

🌃 Stunning images of the northern lights.

😲 The history of Play-Doh: good, clean fun!

👩‍💻 Humans are powering the new AI revolution.


Biden-⁠Harris administration announces new actions to advance open and equitable research.

‘Disruptive’ science has declined, the proportion of papers that shake up a field has plummeted over the last 50 years.

Fifth U.S. National Action Plan to improve access to government data, research and information.

... and finally, this General Knowledge Quiz🤷from – 🤔How well can you do? 🧐


Verse 46: Global Warming is Real!


2023 Predictions - vegetables and sex dolls