Verse 48: New Dog, New Tricks!

HelloTake a peek at this insane new clip of Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot helping out around a fake construction site by tossing an engineer a toolbag while doing parkour! What’s next, baggage handling?

Among items of note in this issue; ultrasound 'sticker' the size of a dime could allow doctors to monitor the entire pregnancy remotely and watch the baby grow in the womb, researchers use ML to predict deadly brain tumor progression and an AI-powered podcast discovery platform.

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~ Dave.

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Researchers use ML to predict deadly brain tumor progression. Experts are using machine learning to analyze a patient’s tumor, to better predict cancer progression.

A job application written by ChatGPT fooled recruiters and beat more than 80% of human candidates to an interview.

AI could kill off the human race and make mankind extinct!  Says an Oxford University professor. Will mankind go the same way as the dodo?

Ultrasound 'sticker' the size of a dime could allow doctors to monitor the entire pregnancy remotely and watch the baby grow in the womb. Scientists created a postage stamp-sized sticker to constantly monitor the heart.


AI and the Big Data paradigm – big ambitions in novel drug discovery.

Over the past few decades, data generation has veritably exploded. However, the ‘Big Data paradigm’ is not so much concerned with the volume of that data, but how businesses and, indeed, industries can derive meaningful insights from what has become a glut of information.


ChatGPT premium rolls out at $42 a month, Google still catching up. OpenAI has reportedly started rolling out a premium version of its popular AI chatbot, “ChatGPT Professional.” "The crazy part? This will be a money printing machine for OpenAI," says an expert.

China, South Korea, and India driving medical robotics innovation in APAC. The developments in the region will fuel innovation in the region over the next five years, says a report by analytics company GlobalData.

Quris-AI to launch Bio-AI center for drug research in Abu-Dhabi. The state-of-the-art facility will support the development of personalized medications explicitly tailored to the diverse populations of the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region.


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For💩and giggles - A place for fun interesting stuff from around the web. Found anything interesting? Send me a message or tweet ‘em to me.

🤯 12 AI websites that will blow your mind.

🖥️ Vertical monitor setup? Here are some tips.

🎧 Fathom, an AI-powered podcast discovery platform.

📈 The Community Explorer - an interactive tool for US. economic and demographic data.

🛣️ Visit a random street view on Google Maps.


Multimillion-dollar trade in paper authorships alarms publishers. Journals have begun retracting publications with suspicious links to sites trading in author positions.

Young physicists say ethics rules are being ignored. Follow-up APS survey finds an increase in awareness of ethics guidelines — but not in compliance.

An emergency helpline and online resource is now available to researchers.

... and finally, this Geography Experts Quiz 🤷from – 🤔How well can you do? 🧐


Verse 49: It’s ChatGPT’s World (and we’re just living in it)


Verse 47: The Aliens Are Coming!