Verse 7: The Future of Data Licensing issue.

As we put this edition of Verse together our inboxes and push notifications are full of breaking and updating news around the major political instability that is unfolding, and we thank journalists and news agencies for their reports. We are going to mute this news for a moment to focus on data.

This issue comes complete with some of the latest happenings in the world of STEM data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Don’t forget, as always we’d love to hear from you, so send me a DM or post a comment to let us know how we can make Verse better. Thanks again!

~ Dave.

Interesting Reads

Bridging the chasm between AI and clinical implementation. AI companies have been quick to commercialize their tools for health care, but health systems have been slower to embrace them — and that’s likely because they can’t always see the data it’s trained on or the source code.

Data scientists highlight roadblocks to transformation. Digital transformation has accelerated significantly in the last two years, but the extra demands on data scientists have revealed significant barriers to effective working and high levels of job dissatisfaction in some areas.

Scientists make high energy physics data more FAIR. In a new study, researchers have laid out a set of new practices to guide the curation of high energy physics datasets that makes them more FAIR.

‘AI Hub’ introduced - Next step in the UK’s AI Strategy. The new AI Standard Hub will create practical tools for businesses, bring the UK’s AI community together through a new online platform, and develop educational materials to help organizations develop and benefit from global standards.

AI Is Biased. Here's How Scientists Are Trying to Fix It. Researchers are revising the ImageNet data set. But algorithmic anti-bias training is harder than it seems.

Company News

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Enters into Option Agreement with Quris on its BioAI Platform for Clinical Safety Prediction. Quris hopes it will lead to new ways to find novel drugs that safely meet patients’ needs in the years ahead

Arcion Labs raises $13M in Series A round of funding. Arcion is the only cloud-native, real-time data mobility platform, delivering high-performance, high-volume pipelines. Headquartered in San Mateo, California Arcion Labs was founded by Rajkumar Sen and Miryana Joksovic.

Darktrace Acquires Cybersprint. The acquisition of Cybersprint is aligned with Darktrace's vision of delivering a 'Continuous Cyber AI Loop' and complements its Self-Learning technology and inside-out view.

Salesken Raises US$22 Million Funding From Microsoft And Sequoia, To Expand In US Market. Sales conversation AI startup will use the funds to accelerate expansion in the North American market and further develop and scale its proprietary deep-tech product.

Movers and Shakers

'Data Warrior' Kent Graziano Joins DataOps Advisory Board.

Marpai Health, Appoints Lutz Finger as President, Product and Development

Cogitativo, Announced Kaushik Raha as SVP of Data Science and Data Management Operations

The Future of Data Licensing

Check out this video where David Myers and David Worlock had a chance to discuss the challenges and opportunities around data licensing for Outsell’s Futurescapes series.

Data Curators

The Future of Data. FAIR and its implementation. A conversation between David Worlock (Outsell) and Professor Barend Mons (Leiden University and GO FAIR)

HESA and Jisc confirm merger exploration. The proposed merger will provide significant benefits to UK higher education, combining the expertise of both organizations to create a resilient, joint capability for delivering the sector’s data and digital needs.

Springer Nature continues to lead drive for OA transition across Europe. The publisher continues to demonstrate its commitment to driving forward sustainable open research for all, across all economies.

Expanded Access to Paywalled Content: A Hidden Benefit of Transformative Agreements. Are transformative agreements expanding access and readership for content that is paywalled?

... and finally, this ‘If You Are Good At Science’ Quiz from – How well can you do?


Verse 3: The first Verse of 2022.


Verse 8: Data and Decanting.