Verse 11: It’s Elon Musk’s World …. and we just live in it.

Hot on the heels of serial Twitter troll Elon Musk’s $44bn deal to buy Twitter, the wisecracking Tesla and SpaceX founder said 'Next I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in'. It’s a far cry from 70’s entrepreneur Victor Kiam’s buyout of Remington. His catchphrase, "I liked it so much, I bought the company", also made him a household name. Unlike Kiam, Musk agreed to pay Twitter a $1bn 'breakup' fee if he pulls the plug on the take-over deal. The tech giant agrees the same, if they opt for a better offer. Could it be a ‘close shave’?

We’ve been getting some great feedback and made some updates to make Verse meet your needs, so please keep sharing, liking and commenting or send us a DM with your views to help us continue to grow the Verse community. Thanks again! 

~ Dave. 


Tough questions, few answers: The FDA wrestles with its approach to AI in medicine. Senior staffer Amir Khan faced sharp questions this week from MIT scientists hungry for clear answers on the agency’s plans to regulate AI in health care — including why it regulates AI algorithms drawing on medical imaging, but largely steers clear of those that use other types of clinical data, like health records.

Web scraping is legal, US appeals court reaffirms. Good news for archivists, academics, researchers and journalists: Scraping publicly accessible data is legal, according to a U.S. appeals court ruling.

The cost of AI colon cancer screening. As AI-enabled screening tests are deployed more widely, one fear is that their availability will lead to overscreening, overdiagnosis, and overtreatment. A simulation-based study of AI-based colorectal cancer screenings in The Lancet Digital Health put that concern to the test. It found that compared to screening without AI, the systems reduced both colorectal cancer mortality and costs.


Pentagon's AI efforts get a Lyft. The Defense Department has named a Silicon Valley veteran to fast-track the development of artificial intelligence capabilities. Craig Martell, who heads machine learning at San Francisco-based ride-hailing company Lyft Inc., was named as the military’s first chief digital and artificial intelligence office.

Versium Releases Open Source Development Tools to Optimize Marketing Campaigns. Versium’s open-source tools help developers and data scientists understand and manipulate files to clean up dirty data and optimize marketing campaigns.

VIANAI Systems Introduces First Human-Centered AI Platform for the Enterprise. The Vian H+AI Platform brings a human-centric approach, combined with advanced AI techniques to address and remove barriers that currently prevent widespread AI adoption into production environments.



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CLARA Analytics hires Ram Rangaraj as new CTO

CUJO AI Announces Remko Vos as New CEO

LogDNA Appoints Rob Fry as CTO


There are about 5 billion* video views on YouTube daily. Every minute, over 100 hours* of video are uploaded. We have just added to that with a series of 8 ‘bite size’ video shorts taken from Outsell’s Futurescapes series. Hop on over to our channel to see David Myers and David Worlock discuss the challenges and opportunities around STEM data licensing for AI and ML purposes.



Time to recognize authorship of open data. The open data revolution won’t happen unless the research system values the sharing of data as much as authorship on papers.

Biocompare, a Division of CompareNetworks, Acquires SEQanswers. SEQanswers is a natural addition to Biocompare’s portfolio of products servicing NGS users. It has recently launched a content hub called Future Lab: Trends in Next Gen Sequencing.

ACS Publications commits its entire hybrid journal portfolio to become transformative journals. This development represents a major step in ACS’ long-standing commitment to open science. 

... and finally, this Element Symbols Quiz from – How well can you do?


Verse 12: Elon wants cocaine!?


Verse 10: Post-LBF 2022