Verse 14: The Pros and Cons of Ai

Hello there. Among items of note in this issue of Verse, are top tips to make your AI spend count, the hot trend in text-to-image generators and our favorite, an AI system for solving crossword puzzles!

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~ Dave


Top Tips To Make Your AI Spending Count and Scale Your Business in 2022. Here are some expert recommendations to consider while working on an AI strategy to scale operations and increase productivity.

Artificial intelligence predicts patients’ race from their medical images. An AI system capable of accurately predicting a patient's self-identified race from analyzing medical images like X-rays and CT scans.

The pros and cons of AI. Evil or not evil? Too good to be true or better than expected? The stuff of nightmares or the fix to some of the world's most intractable problems?

CDO Magazine Announces Its Global Data Power Women List 2022.


Sanofi Launches its First Digital Accelerator Fueled by New Talent and Focused on Growth. The Accelerator will develop products and solutions that will support Sanofi’s mission to transform the practice of medicine with the use of digital, data and artificial intelligence (AI).

Meta reorganization aims to decentralize Facebook's AI efforts. The company said it plans to embed AI work into product teams rather than have a centralized organization dedicated to the technology.

Insilico Medicine Raises $60 Million in Series D Financing to Advance Pipeline and Launch AI-powered Drug Discovery Robotics Laboratory.


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🖼️ There’s a new hot trend in AI: text-to-image generators. Feed these programs any text you like and they’ll generate remarkably accurate pictures that match that description.

📰 An AI system for solving crossword puzzles that outperforms the world’s best humans.

⚕️ How a complex web of businesses turned private health records from GE into a lucrative portrait of patients.


The Machine Learning Future Is Now: How AI is Disrupting Entire Industries

The global AI space is expected to grow to $20 billion by 2025, according to research performed by Helomics. And it’s not just AI that offers growth opportunities – it’s also the disruption of long-standing industries that machine learning promises. AI is one of humanity’s best allies in the future.


🔬 Digital history of science collection, ready to launch with nearly one million pages. For the first time, researchers can access more than 90% of the British Association for the Advancement of Science – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s). 

📚 Plan S Journal Comparison Serviceopen for publishers to register and deposit price and service data. 

💻 Cochrane releases RevMan Web software for non-Cochrane systematic reviews– RevMan Web facilitates the creation of meta-analyses, forest plots, risk-of-bias tables, and other systematic review elements.

... and finally, this Around The World Quiz 🌍 from – 🤔How well can you do?


Verse 15: Christmas in June (and a P.S.)


Verse 13: A Billion Billion Operations