Verse 17 - Drug Development get 1000x faster

Hello there! Well… as many places in the world are suffering from excessive heat, we’re sitting here pretty “chill” at our desks ….. wherever that may be. 

Among items of note in this issue of Verse, An AI model more accurate and 1,000 times faster in identifying molecules for new drug development, a photonic quantum computer that took just 36 microseconds to complete a calculation, 'Flying' ferries! And the end to binge eating - scientists discover mechanism in the brain linked to controlling food intake. Will holiday dinners ever be the same?

As always please keep sharing using the buttons below👇. We’d also love to hear from you, so please drop us a line via the feedback button. Thanks again for reading.

~ Dave. 

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Doctors using AI catch breast cancer more often than either does alone. Radiologists assisted by an AI diagnose breast cancer more successfully than when they work alone.

AI researchers building surveillance tech and deepfakes resist ethical concerns. Some researchers resent having to think about how their inventions will be used in the real world.

GigXR and University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Announce Availability of Holographic Patient Simulation. The first module will provide hyper-realistic holographic scenarios for common respiratory conditions and emergencies.

MIT Tech’s guide to talking about AI ethics.


Artificial intelligence model finds potential drug molecules a thousand times faster.

A geometric deep-learning model is up to 1,000 times faster and more accurate than state-of-the-art computational models, reducing the chances and costs of drug trial failures.

EquiBind (cyan) predicts the ligand that could fit into a protein pocket (green). The true conformation is in pink. Credit: Image courtesy of the researchers.


Privitar announces Kormoon acquisition, extending data privacy and provisioning capabilities to drive automation of data compliance requirements at scale.

Meister Media Worldwide Launches the Global Ag Tech Initiative. the Global Ag Tech Initiative aims to lead a new generation of worldwide agriculture forward to sustainably produce safe and abundant food to feed the world.

OpenDialog AI launches with $5M seed funding. The company is setting out to unlock the potential of conversational AI technology.


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For💩and giggles - A place for fun interesting stuff from around the web. Found anything interesting? Send me a message or tweet ‘em to me

🍽️ No more binge eating: Scientists discover molecular signaling mechanism in the brain linked to controlling food intake.

⛴️ These 'flying' ferries could get you to work in half the time.

🧮 A photonic quantum computer took just 36 microseconds to complete a calculation. It would take a traditional computer 9,000 years.

🐝 Bee bots - This startup wants to save the bees (with automation).


🔬 Karger Publishers acquires Research Publishing International (RPI). Karger says this will support researchers and the Health Sciences/Healthcare ecosystem and make scientific findings more accessible.

🥽 McGraw Hill and Verizon Bring Learning to Life with Free Augmented Reality App. The free app will bring academic concepts to life and give students new ways to engage with educational content.

📼 Cassyni Launches AI to Enable Research Video Workflows. Cassyni's technology automatically transforms unstructured research videos into structured searchable content.

... and finally, this Geography Quiz 🗺️from – 🤔How well can you do?


Verse 18: Star Wars on Hold!


Verse 16: We Double on the 4th of July