Verse 22: History Revealing Itself

Hello there! Scorching, global drought has uncovered lost artifacts around the world including historic relics as water levels recede. These include; rare dinosaur tracks in Texas' Dinosaur Valley State Park, a Spanish 'Stonehenge' (from 5000 BC), over a dozen Nazi ships surfacing on the drying Danube River in Serbia, and a trio of 600 year old Buddhist statues on a formerly submerged island on China's Yangtze River. Then there’s Lake Mead, where officials have so far found five sets of human remains! Has anything interesting been revealed in your local reservoirs?

Among items of note in this issue of Verse; an AI model that detects Parkinson’s from breathing patterns, engineers present a new chip that ramps up AI computing efficiency and a humanoid robot gets an upgrade!

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~ Dave.

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Artificial intelligence model can detect Parkinson’s from breathing patterns. An MIT-developed device with the appearance of a Wi-Fi router uses a neural network to discern the presence and severity of one of the fastest-growing neurological diseases in the world.

Engineers present new chip that ramps up AI computing efficiency. Stanford engineers created a more efficient and flexible AI chip, which could bring the power of AI into tiny edge devices.

The Causal Revolution. Everyone from Meta to Netflix is adding Causal AI to their tech stack to uncover the power of causality and explainability.

Six tips for better spreadsheets - there’s a right way and a wrong way to use them, data scientists say. 


Huge “foundation models” are turbo-charging AI progress.

There once was a widespread belief that adding parameters to models was reaching a point of diminishing returns. But models like BERT showed that the reverse was true. As models are given more data and more parameters, they become not just bigger but better. And, perhaps more importantly, they become capable of doing things their creators may not have imagined. 


Digital Diagnostics dials up $75M funding for diabetic retinopathy AI. The funding boost will enable the expansion of current distribution footprint and accelerate the development of its.

OneSoil AI and satellite imagery technology delivers insights that help governments address food security issues.

Singularity Data, the early-stage startup that develops RisingWave, a cloud-native SQL streaming database for modern real-time applications, has raised a total of $10M in funding over 1 round.


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For💩and giggles - A place for fun interesting stuff from around the web. Found anything interesting? Send me a message or tweet ‘em to me

📊 An AI bot that helps you write Excel formulas.

🗺️ Some visualizations help us better understand data. And some are just bad.

🤖 'World's most advanced' humanoid robot gets an upgrade!

❓ Why are company logos simplifying?

👩‍💻 An AI that writes cringey LinkedIn posts.


OSTP issues guidance to make federally funded research freely available without delay. All agencies will fully implement updated policies, including ending the optional 12-month embargo, no later than December 31, 2025.

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) releases a revamped website, which helps library advocates assert rights in the digital era.

Who Cares About Publication Integrity?               

... and finally, this Do You Know Science Quiz 🧪from – 🤔How well can you do? 🧐


Verse 23: The War on Retro


Verse 21: We’re Finally Legal!